Monday, September 25, 2006


“The Church is a whore but she is my mother.” –Martin Luther
I keep coming across this quote in whatever I read and wherever I go. I’m that restless guy running from fate. I don’t want to talk, critique, think, dream or speak about Church anymore…but it’s chasing me. He’s doing it again… that persistent, sleepless conversation to believe anew in His Bride. To be honest,… I don’t want to. I’m weary y’all.

I’m not that complaining, bitter, idealistic, bible student or that burned out youth pastor -been there done that. I’m not even a disgruntled, critical, uninvolved church member. In fact I love my local church, I love my small group and am up for and thrilled by the growing pains of an urban church plant.

I think I might just be tired of the conversations about Church, disillusioned by everyone waiting for the next best thing, tired of the attack and defense on the emerging-postmodern-something-or-other. Maybe it’s all this talking Church and not dealing with my own junk that reeks of hypocrisy and tends to get suffocating.
Breathe in 1-2-3-4 and out.
Maybe I represent those feelings of the Bride sitting in front of the mirror not feeling too pretty. "Oh Jesus, we your Bride are so un-pretty and awfully embarrassing most of the time. Are you sure you want to keep dating?"

In the meanwhile- Annie and I are off to Philly this week for CCDA. What a state to be going in. Say some crazy prayers for us.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006